Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This is not a tabloid...panic over presence of suspected gnome

story here from a British newspaper

via Drudgereport

Update: good point by commenter jafapete:

"Is it real? Let's see, a group of young people, lots of spare time on their hands, a few seconds of pictures only, hard to see in the dark..."

I had originally been struck by the statement of one of the teens that someone had been frightened so bad he had been admitted to a hospital-but i realize now perhaps he made that up as well.


noahgoldman said...

You've got to be kidding me! Is this for real??

George Weiss said...

i hope not

jafapete said...

You are aware, I hope, that the Sun barely deserves the appellation "newspaper"; even for a tabloid it's pretty rank.

Is it real? Let's see, a group of young people, lots of spare time on their hands, a few seconds of pictures only, hard to see in the dark...

What was with the hood anyway?